Thursday, May 12, 2005

asia no more

Yup, day 269 in the Big Brother household and we're nearly done with Asia. Tomorrow we fly from Georgetown, down to Singapore, and then, 12 hours later, it's goodbye to Asia as we fly to Vancouver.

Almost exactly 7 months ago, October 13th, our train from Moscow pulled out of Europe and into Asia. Since then it's been rice, rice, noodles, rice. Clearly there have been ups and downs (it'd be nice if, when you asked someone how much something was, they just told you rather than quoted a price 16 times what it should be and expected you to spend the next god knows how long arguing over it), but, by and large, it's been a ball...

Crossing the dateline tomorrow evening poses considerable problems. As everyone knows, we are working to a strict daily budget. But somehow we'll get on the plane at 10am Saturday, fly for 20 hours and then it will still only be 12pm on Saturday. 1 day becomes 2 days! Fear not though as, proving I will still be an asset to the London accountancy world, I have it covered. We have one daily budget for the part of Saturday in Asia, and another full daily budget for the part in Canada. Genius. Is this interesting? This is the chat that Courtney has to put up with most of the time...

Now, what with the ingenius double budget, you might think we could stretch to a celebratory Singapore Sling cocktail in the famous Raffles Hotel - according to Courtney, the perfect way to end 7 months in Asia. Think again. Suspecting that it would a) be needlessly expensive and b) very touristy, I set her a test. Name any of the ingredients in said Sling, and we could go for one. You can guess the rest.....

Anyway, we'll have to see what the final outcome is on that one, but, after Vancouver, it's 3 weeks with the out-laws, followed by another 6 weeks on safari in Africa and then, finally, London and the end.

The "outlaws"? The OUTLAWS????? I'll remember that when you get to God's country!!!! All the black flies are coming your way!!!!! All the campfire smoke will blow in your direction.!! There will be no hot water left when you hit the showers!!!! The tea will be cold and the beer will be p**s warm!!! And all that BEFORE Marsha gets to you!!!!

See ya soon,
(looking forward to finally meeting you)
Aunty Woodstock
Sooo, Pete, we are the brave boy, aren't we? The Outlaws, eh?! Court will have 3 brothers at the wedding and you expect to come through the Thunder Bay experience unscathed?! You have more imagination than I gave you credit for! Good luck, Pete, and that's before her 2 dads get ahold of you! And worst of all, you will have to face me! I will be cooking your food for 3 weeks! Be very afraid!
It's been a slice,
Pierre - sounds as though you're going your ins and outs back to front. And now really is the time to get that straightened out.
Is Ms Woodstock from New Zealand or something?
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