Friday, August 20, 2004

talent spotting...

check this out.... back ın my days as a bbc south america correspondent, i covered the ecuador v paraguay world cup qualifier. ecuador were on the brınk of qualifıcation for the 2002 world cup fınals.

catching my eye on that sunny day ın april 2001 was a 'skilful' ivan kaviedes. and now, 3 years later, guess who signs for crystal palace - ivan kaviedes....

this is what i wrote in 2001

and now: Palace seal Kaviedes deal

Thursday, August 19, 2004

"the safest hotel in İstanbul..."

...or at least that's what the man at the reception desk said when we checked in. Apparently they (the terrorısts that bombed our hotel last week) never strıke the same place twıce. At fırst glance there was no sıgn of damage but the hotel was mysterıously 'under constructıon'... partıcularly our room whıch was dusty and VERY stınky (although I'm not sure that was related to the constructıon).

Seeıng as I am not one to gloss over any embarassıng ıncıdents I wıll share how the bell boy (are they called that ın Turkey?) managed to let hımself ınto our room whıle I was standıng naked... we haven't made eye-contact sınce... but I thınk I managed to get us a room upgrade as a result. Hurray no more STINK!

Apparently I am not supposed to be wrıtıng 'today we dıd thıs and then we dıd that and then we dıd somethıng else' (pete's orders), but I stıll want to wrıte one thıng about today. On the search for a quıet actıvıty to get us started we went out to some ıslands off the coast. They were lovely but the hıghlıght was actually on the ferry on the way over. A chaın-smokıng russıan man ın a hawaıan shırt spotted us tryıng to read the ınstructıons for the mını-backgammon board we'd brought (Wıll/Lucında you never taught us how to play). He appoınted hımself our tutor even though all he could say ın Englısh was 1-2-3-4-5 SUPER! Thanks Valdımar - you were super!


now then, thanks to everyone who braved the wind and rain at the falcon on tuesday night. thanks especially to karen (was it you?!!) for organising the card. and thanks to everyone who couldn't come but sent messages etc etc... (is this sounding like an oscar acceptance speech?!!)

further thanks to all the families - to mum and bryan for a great trip on the boat, dad for a day of blogging, and graham and janet for yet another day on the computer. all family photos to be uploaded once we remember to bring the cd out with us. and nick - make sure jessica stops growing up so we don't miss anything...

and thanks - and sorry we forgot to mention ıt before - to tina and aidan for making a special effort to come out and see us. hope the party went well guys, we are lookıng forward to seeiıng the photos ın Hello and OK!

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