Thursday, March 03, 2005

gabor kiraly's grey tracksuit bottoms

First impressions of Laos and Louang Phabang - it's more like Europe than Asia. Getting off the plane from Vietnam we quickly noticed no crowds of people, no conical pointy hats, no families of 4 squashed onto single motorcycles. You get knives and forks instead of chopsticks, there is toilet paper in almost every loo and the street signs are half in french. The sidewalks are cobbled ffs.

But all this nicey nicey stuff comes at a price.

Louang Phabang is the most expensive place we have visited since Russia. Without starting on some cheapskate backpacker rant I will just mention that our usual diversions have been put beyond our reach - a 1 day bike tour would have been $50 and a half day cooking class the same! Everything is priced in $US here - a very bad sign, I have learned. Needless to say we have been focusing on the 'cheaper' activities and the souvenir shopping that entertained us in Vietnam has ground to a halt (and Pete is frantically re-adjusting our budget spreadsheet as I type).

We have managed to loosen the purse strings for 2 activities - a trip to swim in a waterfall which Pete really liked, but freaked me out (cooties); and another to see 4000 old wooden buddhas in a cave (neither of us were particularily impressed).

Luckily we have found free diversions to entertain us in the form of new friends. After meeting the same Kiwi/Aussie couple on 7 different occasions in Vietnam we finally introduced ourselves and arranged to meet for drinks. They have introduced us to another couple and bingo, nights in the local bar have followed. Life is so much cheaper when you can sleep in with a mild hangover until midday.

oh, and some non-Laos related business - happy birthday to Karen, Sarah and Fish.

Hi Courtney

I had to look up this 'cootie' business. Is this a Canuck-ism? I gather it's some kind of louse or tick, but you catch it in waterfalls??

Your titles and captions have likewise got me googling to get the allusions... I tell you, it's better than The Times crossword, this stuff.

Thanks for posting, I'm still enjoying your travels.

And Pete's joy is our downfall...

A Saints Fan
Clearly Laos cannot be that civilised if half the signs are in French ......

Anyway do you get a Laos "Blue Rinse" prior to entering the bingo hall, then.....?? Do you shout "House" when you win, or go for a more backpacker friendly shout of "Hostel", "Hotel" or "Lodge" perhaps??

Peter, did you give Will a copy of your budget spreaddy before he left - looks like he's turning into you on the money front (and they are only a few weeks in!!)

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