Thursday, January 13, 2005

terry meets julie Posted by Hello

I get it !! and for a small fee will reveal all to other bemused bloggers.

Dad W
I'll do the same for an even smaller fee!

OK, help me out here. Is it a British thing? I don't get it.
For you Auntie Sharon there will be no fee!
No fee, Nick?? Must be one of the perks of old age :)
Got it now, many thanks. Remind me to put you in my will!!

Want to know why I'm always last on these things??! And I still don't get it. Somebody have pity on a poor Canadian!
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Marsha, Whilst I applaud my mothers attempt to explain the pedant in me has to point out that it is not the first line of the song but comes somewhere in the middle - just go to the link I pasted onto my previous comment. Perhaps you were like Liz who even when I explained it to her said 'I don't get it - it's not a Waterloo sunset'.

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